Apparently, we're a "hip" couple

posted by Jeff | Saturday, May 16, 2015, 11:33 PM | comments: 0

While we were out in the neighborhood today, we stopped at one of the models (that we loved), and the sales person there was very chatty after we discovered that the curtains they had in one room were the same fabric as those that Diana made for our living room. As we were about to leave, she mentioned that she loved that I had "that in your ear," and pointing to her nose and then Diana, "that." Of course, she could have been just kissing our asses, but it struck me as flattering in some weird way.

I've been into body piercing for a long time, and I still hate that my industrial got all weird and gross back in '07. After Simon was born, I figured I'd try just one hole in the same ear and got a 16 gauge hole in the same ear, and it healed like a champ. I like it. I don't know if it's because it makes me feel pretty or I just like the feel of it, but whatever. In late 2012, while Diana and I were traveling for our longest vacation ever with Simon, a hotel clerk had a tiny nose piercing, and she turned to me and said, "I could do that." Shortly after getting back home, that's exactly what she did. (I totally want to get a matching one, but I'm probably not as cool as Lenny Kravitz to pull it off.) Since then, she rotates between the subtle "work nose ring" and the more badass hoop for parties, vacations and other occasions.

We're not high maintenance people. I'm a jeans-and-T-shirt kind of guy, and Diana doesn't go out of her way to stock up on sassy outfits. Piercings are kind of easy in that respect... you go do it and the result can last for the rest of your life, without a lot of effort. It's still just slightly in the realm of non-conventional enough that people may still notice, though I suspect that won't last much longer. If I had to guess, some of that is just the neighborhood we live in. Folks tend to be slightly more conservative and concerned about appearances here, which is very much the opposite of us.

I don't know what "hip" really means, but as I discovered at a co-worker's party recently, I definitely seem to identify more with the tattoo-and-piercing crowd than I do with the McMansion-and-German-car crowd. I don't have anything against the latter (unless of course they're pretentious douchebags), but I suppose it's just the circles of people I've known over the years. I imagine this has to do with my attraction to creative people, a couple of years in Seattle, and my general disregard for convention.

So here's to you, home selling lady. I don't know if we're "hip," but I hope we're being true to ourselves.


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