Movie production as summer camp vibe

posted by Jeff | Friday, September 29, 2023, 11:56 PM | comments: 0

If there was any one thing that I love the most about subscribing to Disney+, it's the special feature making-of shows. In every single one of those, the actors, directors, crew talk about what a great experience it is working with all of the people to make this piece of art.

Most recently, tonight, I observed this watching the Guardians of The Galaxy Vol. 3 making-of. They weren't just making a movie, they were making the last of a trilogy, if you don't count the other three that the cast was involved with in the MCU. These humans genuinely seemed to enjoy these jobs, made extra special because that particular series of movies was quite literally about being a part of a chosen family. As someone who has generally felt like a person not grounded in any particular circle of people, I deeply identify with this.

I realize now that my desire to find some kind of real life professional experience like this is because I want the same. I want the summer camp vibe. Diana has talked to me about how some of her theater experience is like that. They put together a crew and cast, they do rehearsals, then tech week, then they run the show. Then it bittersweetly ends. And when it's done, they call get to feel pretty good about what they did. Sad as the end might be, that end itself is a deeply emotional experience that I just never get to have. But I want to.


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