Stupid people and the news recycled

posted by Jeff | Monday, June 25, 2007, 2:05 PM | comments: 0

I admit that I haven't been keeping up on current events lately. The main reason is that I get upset over the stupidity of the world and the injustice that's everywhere. As much as I try not to let things outside of my control upset me, it's hard to just not care.

So I stopped watching the news, for my own emotional help. Generally speaking, it helps a lot. But I was looking around Digg today when I saw this story. Yes, you read correctly: The percentage of Americans that are dumb enough to think that Saddam had something to do with 9/11 has actually gone up.

Americans don't appear to give two shits about anything enough to really understand or get answers about things that matter. How one could procreate and not pay attention for their kids' sake is sad. But then again, that's why we elect morons to run things in Washington.

You can see then, the irony, that not being informed frankly will put me squarely into that same camp. Well, a similar camp, anyway. I'm still not ignorant enough that any of the reasons for war were legitimate.

I fear for our future.


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