Writing Jell-O® brain

posted by Jeff | Wednesday, May 20, 2009, 11:50 PM | comments: 1

OK, Cavs game is getting too close, so now's a good time to take a break from writing. I really thought this book would come along faster, but it's not.

There are two problems I see. The first is that it takes a lot of concentration for long periods of time. I've been at it today on and off for about ten hours. It's a strange sensation to just feel like you can't do any more thinking. The other problem is that translating what I know into a way that I think makes for good teaching is time consuming. I have no interest in simply regurgitating documentation or what others have written. My angle is to explain things in a way that is easier to understand, and with context. I was a writer long before I was a programmer.

Without a traditional publishing contract, I'm not held to any external time line, which is a problem. I'm not bound to getting things done, or even finishing, and have to do it all myself. I need to find a renewed sense of purpose here and better manage my time.



May 21, 2009, 2:37 PM #

I think creativity sometimes comes and goes and it's relatively pointless to force it. Maybe you need to step back a bit instead of feeling like you must work on it just because you have the time to do so.

I found when I've walked away from something for a bit and just relaxed, the ideas come back more easily.

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